Mike's Online Portfolio

Finney Siding Job

This page contains photos of the siding job I did for Frank and Mary Finney who live on Seaside Rd. in Capeville, Va. The siding being used is Certainteed Colonial Beaded.


Before Pictures

After Pictures

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This is the south side of the new kitchen addition. The roof was done by me approximately 3 years ago. Notice the copper returns.

And Now... the finished product. Notice the fish scales on the gable ends, the copper drip and returns as well as the standing-seam metal roof. All work was done by me with assistance from Frank.


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This is the northwest corner showing my progress so far. This photo does not show them well, but the corners are 3-piece "restoration" corners. Notice the vinyl crown molding over the windows.


Again... all finished up. This one shows the fish scales a little better and of course the standing-seam metal roof is all done.

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This photo shows the "vinyl fish scales", copper returns, the octagon window as well as the crown molding over the windows.


What can I say. Looks great. The "arched" entry there is waiting until all inside structural work is done.

That's all the BEFORE pictures I have... here are some more AFTER pics...

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Northeast Corner - (Front right)

Shows the unfinished front porch, the straight copper valley and angled-top window on the fish scales. Also a challenge.

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East Face - (Front)

Not much to say. The front. The only picture I have at the moment. There will be at least one more when the porch is finished so stay tuned!

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West Face - (Rear)

Probably the best picture of the fish scales. They do look nice but they were a challenge! The skylights in the metal roof turned out nice too!

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Southwest Corner

Just another view of MOST of the South side of the house. It was certainly the HOTesssst side!


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